CountAbout lets you control your finances responsively and effectively directly through your phone or other mobile device.
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CountAbout Reviews
We have 1 review for CountAbout. The average overall ratings is 4.0 / 5 stars.

Overall Opinion: Managing money can be difficult, especially in a modern age where our money is diversely scattered across a variety of different sources. The modern user doesn't just need to keep track of credit and checking accounts, they also need to keep an eye on their credit cards as well as mobile sources like PayPal and Square Cash. CountAbout puts all of your finances in one place and creates a streamlined dashboard that lets you know how much money you have and where it needs to go. One of the key features of the CountAbout interface is its ability to sync up all of your investment sources, track them in real time, and automate the process of making payments and transactions. All of your banking sources, credit cards, and retirement savings will be compiled in one place, and you can receive both macro and micro level views on where your money is. From here, you can easily download investment balances like those from your 401K and know the results are accurate. Since CountAbout integrates directly with your banking sources, there's no need to worry about guesswork or estimates. Many users already make use of finance apps like Quicken and Mint, but if you're looking to make a shift from those pieces of software, CountAbout makes it easy. They offer easy importation from both apps. Tens of thousands of financial institutions are supported by CountAbout, so you're likely to get the integration you need whether you invest in your money in a national bank or a local credit union. Managing your money is often about looking at more than just the big picture, and that's why CountAbout provides a range of options for monitoring your money. Through the use of categories and tags, you have more control over how different cash flows and transactions are labeled, and it's easy to figure out what portion of your money is going to rent, loans, groceries, and other expenses. Clean reports allow you to get a full scale view broken down according to account balance, tags, and categories, giving you a more effective big picture view of your finances on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. You can even export these reports to other sources for your own bookkeeping and financial records. A robust selection of different graphs put the information you need in terms that are easily more digestible and help you get a better grasp on your spending trends and habits. CountAbout wants to make managing your finances easy, and that's reflected in their clean and uncluttered interface. The information you need is available when you need it and prioritized by the needs of users. Graphical and text widgets mean you can quickly expand out the information you need without having to dig through layers of confusing menus. CountAbout offers mobile apps for both Android and iPhone devices, and these come supported by a fully functioning web based app.
Pros: An ad-free experience Clean interface makes finding the information you need a breeze Supported on most mobile devices
Cons: Automatic syncing of your financial records requires a premium subscription Lack of financial planning options
CountAbout Videos
If you have never created a budget or you just want a new way to manage your cash flow then tune in to this episode. I discuss four different budget software programs: Every Dollar, Mvelopes,...
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