EOS icons
Alternatives to EOS icons
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EOS icons Reviews
We have 1 review for EOS icons. The average overall ratings is 5.0 / 5 stars.

Overall Opinion: I like it because it has all icons from material icons, plus a big set of unique icons that do not exist elsewhere. they are more technical and it fits perfectly with my projects. They have a Gem, an NPM, and also the option to download the SVG or PNG... plus, what I love the most, the fact that I can create my own font, choosing the icons that I need, instead of embedding a huge 1000+ set of icons, when I only use 20 max (makes my websites more performant)
Pros: - Ruby Gem - NPM - SVG - PNG - Can change the color of the PNG and SVG - Can export custom font ..and continue building it later - It is open source and they release stable upgrades almost every week! - You can suggest new icons, and they will make them for free :heart:
Cons: - nothing so far
About This Article
This page was composed by cyntss and published by Alternative.me. It was created at 2020-08-20 10:23:27 and last edited by cyntss at 2020-08-25 12:26:45. This page has been viewed 4011 times.