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Geocaching Reviews
We have 1 review for Geocaching. The average overall ratings is 4.0 / 5 stars.

Overall Opinion: Geocaching has become a vary popular activity. Individuals place little hidden treasures in a variety of locations, mark them with GPS coordinates, and share the locations with others. The Geocaching mobile app was developed by Groudspeak Inc. and released in 2010. Since that time, this app has become the preferred platform of fun-seeking treasure hunters. One of the best things about this mobile app is that it allows the entire family to participate in the hunt for geocaches. With that being said, parents should never allow their children to seek out hidden items without approval or supervision. Geocaches can be hidden anywhere. This includes rough terrain or areas that present some danger. The app works best when it is used by a group or a family who can look after one another during the hunt. Geocaching is simple to use. Just fire it up and search for nearby geocaches. Users will be surprised at how many of these hiding locations are out there. There are more than two million locations stored in the app's database. The GPS functionality on most modern phones enables this app to locate geocaches within a few feet. Of course, it does require that the GPS on a device be turned on. This can quickly consume battery life and other resources. This app makes it possible to search by location, a specific address, or the type of cache that has been hidden. Hints regarding the location can be provided as well as photos of the area. There is also the ability to receive step-by-step directions to the location of hidden items. One severe downfall of the app is that it doesn't always update geocache locations in a timely manner. This is because those who find a geocache and remove it may not report this. It can be frustrating to hunt for a treasure only to discover that someone has taken the geocache and not left anything behind.
Pros: Works on both Android and iOS devices Accurate to within a few feet Large database of geocaches around the world
Cons: Not meant for unsupervised use by children Database updates can be hit or miss
Geocaching Videos
When Geocaching you need to have the best tools to find the geocaches. Cachly is the best option when using iphone/IOS. Watch me use Cachly to find a multi puzzlebox geocache. Download Cachly-...
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