Google Drive
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Google Drive Reviews
We have 1 review for Google Drive. The average overall ratings is 4.0 / 5 stars.

Overall Opinion: Storage space has been a problem for individuals since the birth of computers. No matter how big your hard drive is, there never seems to be enough room. Google Drive helps to solve that problem by giving users 15GB of space in the Cloud. Users can upload almost any kind of file to their drive and access those files from any computer. The advantages of Cloud storage are obvious. First and foremost, it frees up space on your system. Secondly, your files are safe in the event your own system crashes. Google Drive confers these benefits, but that's just where the app begins. Google Drive integrates with Google Docs. The tools provided by Google Docs include a word processor that will allow you to create documents in a variety of formats. Once a document is created, it only takes a click to add the document to your Google Drive. When you consider all the tools that are included with Google Docs and then add in the convenience of one-click backup in the Cloud, the tandem poses a significant challenge to Microsoft Office. When you delete files from Google Drive, the files are moved to a trash container. They will not be permanently deleted until they are removed from the trash. Who hasn't deleted something only to realize a few days later that they still need it? The trash serves more or less as a safeguard. Google Drive can be used on Windows systems and on Macs. There are even apps for using it on the Android and iOS platforms. Users can sync all of their files across the different platforms. There is no current version of the software that is compatible with a Linux desktop, but this could change at some point in the future. Collaboration is an area where Google Drive gets high marks. Teams can work together and share files and folders. This can greatly simplify things for teams with multiple individuals contributing to the same projects. Those who need more than 15GB of storage can pay a monthly fee for more space. 100GB costs just $1.99 per month. There is even a discount if you want to pay yearly. Several plans are available. The largest gives users 30TB of storage. The biggest downside to the program is security. Google does not have a great reputation in that regard. The company freely admits that it scans the files and data of users. The notorious PRISM program conducted by the National Security Agency supposedly had access to the data of Google users.
Pros: GB of free storage Integrates with Google Docs Easy to use Huge library of third-party apps
Cons: Poor security No encryption of files and folders Pricey for those who want more storage
Google Drive Videos
SUBSCRIBE: This video is a part of our video series to help you find the right cloud service. In this video series, we are comparing Dropbox vs Google...
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