Nucleo is a service and app that allows a user to browse a library of over 23,000 icons. The product is developed by Amber Creative Lab Ltd., which is currently based on Paul Street in London, United Kingdom.
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Nucleo Reviews
We have 1 review for Nucleo. The average overall ratings is 4.0 / 5 stars.

Overall Opinion: One-time pricing is $99 for an individual and includes all 23,000 icons and lifetime updates when more icons are added. It also includes SVG source files. A team purchase is also available at $249 for five users, $349 for 10 users, $599 for 20 users and $999 for 50 users. The team plan also includes the ability to sync projects in DropBox and a unique team management system. Special extended licenses are available for those who want up to 500 unique icons per project instead of the default 250, and the extended license is a requirement if a client wants to use Nucleo's icons in something that is offered for sale where Nucleo "contributes to the core value of the product being sold/shared." It includes other benefits and limitations and costs $2,499. Downloading and using the product on a desktop requires Windows 7+ or Mac OS X 10.9+.
Pros: Yearly plans can be upgraded to an unlimited plan at any time from a user's account page on the Nucleo website. The user must pay the price difference between the current plan and the upgrade plan Nucleo can be used in an unlimited amount of projects, personal or commercial, for the user or for clients
Cons: The app can only be installed on up to two devices (devices can be deactivated on a user's account page) There's a maximum of 250 icons that can be used per project Using Nucleo heavily in a project that will be sold appears to require the pricey extended license ($2,499) No mobile device support
Nucleo Videos
Featuring the STM32 MCUs (based on ARM Cortex M0/M3/M4 cores), the STM32 Nucleo is design to be a very affordable and flexible platform with Arduino Uno R3 shield connectors and ST Morpho connector...
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