Wayback Machine
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Wayback Machine Reviews
We have 2 reviews for Wayback Machine. The average overall ratings is 4.5 / 5 stars.

Overall Opinion: Nice
Pros: -
Cons: -

Overall Opinion: Do you remember when the Internet was a few AOL chat rooms and Slingo? It seems like just yesterday websites were painted in pastel colors, had no headers, and used frames. If you long to return to the glorious days of yesteryear, the Wayback Machine will take you there. Just visit the website and you will see a search bar at the top. You can enter in a domain name or a keyword. Let's say you want to see how the Apple website has evolved over time. Just put in the web address and you can access snapshots of how the website appeared on a certain day in history. Wayback Machine is really built and maintained by Internet users just like you. It is possible for anyone to submit web pages for archiving. The website also has a vast library of free materials. There are books, music, and more. All of the items have been added to the archive over time by users. Of course, even the Wayback Machine doesn't get it right all the time. Some searches will not return anything at all, and sometimes a search string only calls up web pages from three years ago. That doesn't really qualify as way back. The most beneficial aspect of this website may be its function as a digital time capsule. There is a need to preserve our digital history. What better way to do that than to let it assist in preserving itself.
Pros: Fun to use, no skill required Check out web pages from the past Lets you see how websites have evolved
Cons: Many pages not in the archives Keyword search is iffy
Wayback Machine Videos
Wayback Machine: archive.org Wikipedia entry: goo.gl Internet Archive: archive.org Me on the web: - Website: lukasam.com - Blog Entries: http://lukasam.co...
About This Article
This page was composed by Alternative.me and published by Alternative.me. It was created at 2018-05-01 15:57:12 and last edited by jerm at 2021-05-25 01:13:05. This page has been viewed 5087 times.